Tome for Game Masters and Players
Fact Sheet
- Designer: Luke Miller of Graycastle Press
- Release Date: 12/3/2023
- DriveThruRPG Links:
This tool has been crafted to aid you as you progress through your current campaign, helping to keep creativity and fun front of mind while assisting you in building new experiences for your players.
Each week, flip open to the next entry in the book (or to whichever you’d like to explore), consider the prompts presented, and record your answers. They are aimed at ‘priming the pump’ of your creativity, and getting you into the right headspace for a weekly session, and occasionally helping to come up with something entirely new.
Finally, each week includes a recap page to record the highlights of what happened during that week’s session, a spot to think about goals for the next session, as well as a fun activity aimed to entertain and help generate new ideas.
Let’s get started!
The prompts given in this book offer players a chance to think creatively about their characters, the campaign and world they play in, and the directions they might like to see the game develop. Most prompts apply to all genres and styles of RPG, and are just as suited for new players as they are for seasoned tabletop gamers. Some activities are repeated in different weeks, which I feel encourages GMs and players to ensure that the campaign and the characters keep evolving over time. My only player at the moment has never roleplayed before, but having prompts to think about allows them to engage more with their character, so I’ll be using Tome for Players to help them get their feet wet – and I’m sure it will continue to be a useful tool as the game progresses!
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Key Features
- Individual experiences that enhance session prep for both Game Masters and Players
- 52 week’s worth of inspiration and creativity per volume
- Variety of creative prompts and exercises
- Available in both Print and PDF
About Graycastle Press

Luke Miller is a writer, game designer, and software developer who lives in sunny California with his husband Roman and their two corgis, Luna and Sol. He has had a lifelong passion for fantasy and science fiction and has recently discovered a love for tabletop roleplaying games.
After exploring the world of TTRPG’s as a player and game master, Luke was struck by the game design bug and quickly jumped into the creation of his first game: Journey. Through this process, he learned many lessons on what to do (and, more importantly, what not to do), and looks to take these learnings into the next game.
In addition to designing his next games, Luke is writing content on the Graycastle Press Journal talking about running tabletop roleplaying games, concepts in game design, writing fiction, and more.